
US Textile & Apparel Import Spectrum



Dedicated to amazing passion of Bob Berger for outreaching and uplifting our textile profession.


The Office of Textile and Apparel, OTEXA, has released recent US textile and apparel import trade data. Digging deeper, we analyze the following trade data in perspective. The analysis reveals many interesting insights. Who are the top five trading partners of USA in 2009? Collectively, these top five players enjoy over 60% of the US apparel market share, but the value and supply chain vary significantly. The US imports of fabrics and yarns are more science and technology driven while it's apparel imports are more favorable to cheap workforce and strategic partnership. How will these markets evolve in the future? Explore more….


Table 1 illustrates the 2008-2009 US apparel import  in dollar value ($M), volume (MSME), value-chain ($/SME) and change in value ($) and volume (MSME). In 2009, the overall US apparel import shrunk about 12% in dollar value and 6% in volume  from 2008. 


The US imports of fabrics and yarns in 2008-2009 are presented in Table 2 and Table 3 respectively. These tables also compare the business volume of the top five trading partners of the US and the change in their market share during 2008-09.


Table 1: US Apparel Imports  2008-2009.

Year 2008  2009 +/- 2008-09
 Country  US$M  MSME  $/SME  US$M  MSME  $/SME  %$ %Vol
 World  71568.371  22694.040  3.154  63104.701  21317.220  2.960  -11.83  -6.07
 China  22922.615  7788.658  2.943  23503.010  8623.273  2.726  2.53  10.72
 Vietnam  5223.491  1527.740  3.419  5068.333  1612.177  3.144  -2.97  5.53
 Bangladesh  3441.642  1436.237  2.396  3409.775  1383.833  2.464  -0.93  -3.65
 Indonesia  4028.416  1099.227  3.665  3860.998  1069.647  3.610  -4.16  -2.69
 Honduras  2604.028  1331.118  1.956  2031.614  1005.794  2.020  -21.98  -24.44


Table 2: US Fabric Imports 2008-2009.

 Year  2008  2009 2008-09 
 Country  MSME  MSME  +/- %
 World  7816.097 7399.433 -5.33
 China  1688.491  1901.951 12.64
 S. Korea  947.053  902.628 -4.69
 Canada  734.943  573.128 -22.02
 India  506.679  476.706 -5.92
 Mexico  505.349  438.062 -13.32


Table 3: US Yarn Imports 2008-2009.

 Year  2008  2009 2008-09 
 Country  MSME  MSME  +/- %
 World 2912.057   2377.649 -18.35
 Canada  363.346  406.820 11.97
 S. Korea  471.147  400.989 -14.89
 Mexico  380.935  272.405 -28.49
 China  331.610  267.585 -19.31
 Indonesia  311.300  242.667 -22.05

MSME: Million Square Meter Equivalent. SME: Square Meter Equivalent. Data Source: OTEXA & CTIA.

Data Analysis & Compilation: TexTek Solutions & MW Canada R&D.


Data Analysis and Observations:

— The US imports over $200 worth of apparel per capita, totaling over $63 billion in 2009 compared to over $71 billion in 2008. This is primarily due to the fierce financial turmoil in the US.

— China, the largest trade partner of the USA, exports almost one third of US apparel import and earns $2.7/SME below the global average approximately $3/SME.

— China, Vietnam, Bangladesh Indonesia and Honduras are the five top apparel trading partners of USA. Together they enjoy over 60% US apparel market share. Among them, Indonesia earns $3.6/SME, while Honduras earns only $2/SME.

— The US apparel imports vary significantly in value and volume. The market is fairly favorable to cheap workforces, least developing countries and strategic political partnerships.

— For fabric and yarn sourcing, the US imports are more dependent to value-added supply-chain for developing advanced textile materials with sophisticated functional features.

— In 2009, Bangladesh's apparel sectors, with over 3.1 million workforce (90% women), earned over $12 billion from its exports – mostly from the US and EU markets. 



Bob Berger, President, MW Canada has an interesting idea. This spectrum is likely to change over time. Staging the recent World Cup in South Africa is building the initial infrastructures for creating the future trading inroads. So whoever enjoys significant US market share today has no guarantee of their future tomorrow. The key is building bridges, infrastructures, cross-cultural relationships and strategies for future facing the fierce competition in our global village.


Canada, China, India, South Korea, US and advanced countries are moving more towards value-added textile technology and knowledge based econmy. They include exploiting science and technology for developing advanced materials, integrating features/technology to textile structures and transformation of innovations for challenging applications. The advanced countries have minimized the salary and wage gap between their top and bottom-line workforce. In high-impact manufacturing where innovation and continuous improvements are critical, it is all about how well we stimulate the partnership with our people to promote our productivity. Invest on your people and technology. They are your economic engine, energy to your existence. Simply, take care of your people. They will take care of you.


After a long struggle, facing the protests, violence and spill of blood, Bangladesh has raised the minimum wage for the garments workers from 1,662.50 taka to 3,000 taka (~$43) a month, to be effective from November 2010; the workers' groups and unions wanted 5,000 taka. This new wage includes an allowance of 200 taka for medical and 800 taka for housing.


The accelerated economic growth in Asia is likely to shake the life of 160 million people on the tiny land of 144,000 sq. km. Our planet is changing rapidly. How well Bangladeshi manufacturers will share the benefits and build relationships with their bottom-line will dictate their productivity and growth potential. Imagine your bottom-line as your children. How do you want them to grow? In fact, your bottom-line is your life-line. They enhance your economic existence. How do you like to nurture your life-line? Empower your bottom-line to enhance your life-line. Building a stimulating relationship and work environment are crucial to promote your productivity.


Government, University and Industry should work together to exploit science and technology and create mutual opportunity to propel our progress. Vision creates value.


What do you think?


Acknowledgements: TexTek Solutions :: MW Canada. 


শফিউল ইসলাম

ইমেইল: [email protected]<!–document.write( '‘ );//–>স্প্যামবটের হাত থেকে এই ইমেল ঠিকানা সুরক্ষিত আছে। পড়ার জন্যে জাভাস্ক্রিপ্ট অন করুন।<!–document.write( '’ );//–> :: ওয়েবঃ textek.weebly.com :: Canada :: www.linkedin.com/in/shafiul2009


Written by
ড. মশিউর রহমান -

ড. মশিউর রহমান বিজ্ঞানী.অর্গ এর cofounder যার যাত্রা শুরু হয়েছিল ২০০৬ সনে। পেশাগত জীবনে কাজ করেছেন প্রযুক্তিবিদ, বিজ্ঞানী ও শিক্ষক হিসাবে আমেরিকা, জাপান, বাংলাদেশ ও সিঙ্গাপুরে। বর্তমানে তিনি কাজ করছেন ডিজিটাল হেল্থকেয়ারে যেখানে তার টিম তথ্যকে ব্যবহার করছেন বিভিন্ন স্বাস্থ্যসেবার জন্য। বিস্তারিত এর জন্য দেখুন: DrMashiur.com

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