
সাক্ষাৎকার: ড. জাকারিয়া হোসন


ড. জাকারিয়া বর্তমানে জাপানের মিয়ে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের পরিবেশ বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিভাগে সহযোগী অধ্যাপক হিসাবে কর্মরত রয়েছেন। কিছুদিন আগে তিনি
ইমেইলে বিজ্ঞানী.orgএর সাক্ষাতকার দেন। তার গবেষনার বিষয়হল Composite Materials, Slope Protection, Soil-Reinforcement Interaction। বিজ্ঞানী.org এর পক্ষ থেকে আমরা তার সাফল্য কামনা করি। ভবিষ্যতে সাক্ষাতকারটি বাংলাতে অনুবাদ করা হবে।

    • Please tell us about yourself, your education and carrier. 
    • I am presently working as an Associate Professor in the Department
      of Environmental Science and Technology, Mie University, Japan. Before
      joining in Mie University in 1999, I was a JSPS Postdoctoral fellow in
      the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Kobe
      University, Japan. I completed my higher studies (M.Sc.Ag.Engg. &
      PhD) from Kyoto University, Japan. In Bangladesh, I did research as a
      Research Assistant in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and
      Technology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh from where I
      graduated B.Sc.Ag.Engg.B.


    • What is your key expertize areas.
    • Composite Materials, Slope Protection, Soil-Reinforcement Interaction


    • Please tell us about your current research organization.
    • Mie University, Details can be found in the following web page: http://www.mie-u.ac.jp/en/


    • How did you gain interest in your research areas ?
    • Initially from my supervisor at my undergraduate level through a
      design and fabrication of ferrocement (cement composite) water tank.
      That was my foundation to gain interest in construction materials which
      was continued in MSc, PhD, PostDoc level. Most advanced researches on
      composite materials and its practical application have been initiated
      during my PhD studies. I always get interest in my researches because of
      its direct application in construction industries.


  • What trend do you foresee in your research areas? 
  • There are many composites materials. Among them, the engineered
    cementitious composite has many advantages over the ordinary composite
    in terms of flexibility, durability, toughness, crack arresting
    properties etc. Environmental pressure over the last decade has played a
    major considerable issue on the utilization of the recycled materials
    for the manufacture of environment-friendly materials. With the rapid
    increase in demand for balance between natural phenomena and ecology in
    bio-environment, there is a significant need for continuous development
    of technologies that consume the waste materials of existing
    agricultural and engineering industries. Utilization of recycled and
    waste materials is gaining much attention, lately, for the manufacturing
    of cement-based composite materials for two environmental aspects 1)
    solving the waste storage problem and 2) protection of limited natural
    sources. Both the environmental and economic benefits can be achieved by
    using the recycled and waste materials as construction material.
    Cementitious composites with recycled aggregates like concrete, stone,
    broken pavement, brick, gypsum and wood chips, have tremendous benefit
    to the environment and significant cost saving in material acquisition
    and disposal. It is, therefore, an urgent need today, not only to
    develop new material and technology but also to study various properties
    such as soil-reinforcement interaction, permeability, weight control
    and bearing capacity of this kind of composite material for prospective
    uses in various structures such as; earth slope protection,
    soil-reinforcements, terrace lands, roads, canals, pavements,
    embankments, ridges between paddy fields and other agricultural and
    engineering structures.
  • What did you investigate in your last publication? 
  • The publication is a continuous process and it is developing day
    by day and so the research and investigation. Which is the last one? It
    is difficult for me to fix. However, I have investigated the followings
    during the last couple of years.
  1. Different modes of failure of engineered cementitious composite embedded in soil under various loading conditions
  2. Development of low cost, environment friendly composite for earth slope protection
  3. Development of new technology for protection road and river embankment in Bangladesh
    • What was your most successful moment?
    • Every time that I succeed in reaching my personal goal is a
      successful moment for me. The most successful moment? to be honest?
      joining as a teacher in Japanese University. I am good in Mie


    • Were you inspired by a famous scientist or engineer? 
    • I was highly inspired in my research activities at my
      undergraduate level after studying a research paper of Prof. Dr. Naaman,
      USA. In fact, his article encouraged me and worked as a foundation for
      my research. Even today, when I roll on a research article of any famous
      scientist, it stimulates me to think of ways. As I am working in an
      inspirational environment, I am going to be inspired every day.


  • What are the current research projects you are working on?
  1. Development of Environment-Friendly Technology for Disaster Prevention
  2. Development of new composite material using recycled aggregate
  3. Slope Stability Analysis for Fill Dams, Reinforced Earth, Roads and River Embankments
  4. Soil-Structure Interaction Studies by Experiment and FEM
    • What is your future plan?
    • To contribute my research results not only in Japan and developed
      country but also in developing country, especially in Bangladesh.


  • Your recommendation(s) and advice for young researchers who would want to pursue research in your research areas?
  • Be stable on your own topics and thinking
  • Be self-motivated and re-search for new clue
  • Do relax and be friendly with supervisor
  • If you can’t understand, do consult with your supervisor
  • Avoid to cook the same old thing
  • Try to develop something new


  • Can you provide us your contact email address, if our reader like to contact with you.
  • Yes, here it is:[email protected]
Written by
ড. মশিউর রহমান -

ড. মশিউর রহমান বিজ্ঞানী.অর্গ এর cofounder যার যাত্রা শুরু হয়েছিল ২০০৬ সনে। পেশাগত জীবনে কাজ করেছেন প্রযুক্তিবিদ, বিজ্ঞানী ও শিক্ষক হিসাবে আমেরিকা, জাপান, বাংলাদেশ ও সিঙ্গাপুরে। বর্তমানে তিনি কাজ করছেন ডিজিটাল হেল্থকেয়ারে যেখানে তার টিম তথ্যকে ব্যবহার করছেন বিভিন্ন স্বাস্থ্যসেবার জন্য। বিস্তারিত এর জন্য দেখুন: DrMashiur.com

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ফ্রি ইমেইল নিউজলেটারে সাবক্রাইব করে নিন। আমাদের নতুন লেখাগুলি পৌছে যাবে আপনার ইমেইল বক্সে।


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Biggani.org connects young audiences with researchers' stories and insights, cultivating a deep interest in scientific exploration.

বিজ্ঞানী অর্গ (biggani.org) বাংলাদেশি বিজ্ঞানীদের একটি প্ল্যাটফর্ম, যেখানে গবেষণা ও বিজ্ঞান নিয়ে বাংলা ভাষায় তথ্য ও সাক্ষাৎকার প্রচার করে – নবীনদের গবেষণা ও উচ্চশিক্ষায় প্রেরণা দেয়া হয়।



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